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WordPress Is Destroying My Blog

I always found WordPress excellent for my purposes. The “happiness engineers” were simply fantastic: when some technical problem arose and I contacted them, they always responded within seconds, gave reasonable explanations, and provided solutions.

But last year, I discovered that various blog functions began to disappear, one after another. I could, for instance, no longer add links to other sites, and text and images in the sidebar were no longer aligned centre.

When I contacted the happiness engineers about this, they suddenly couldn’t do anything about it. For, as they explained, they no longer updated, supported or maintained my “theme”, K2-lite.

As I understood it, the loss of functions will continue, and the only way I will be able to save a few of them will be to pay more. They explained that “themes are retired when they become difficult to keep up-to-date with newer web standards, or have bugs that the creators are unable or unwilling to fix”.

This means my old WordPress blog will be destroyed, and that I can no longer use it. WP has never provided any information about the possibility of this happening, and if they had, I would never have chosen to use WP nine years ago.

I did so precisely because I liked K2-lite. I want no other theme. K2-lite is what I have paid for. I regard WP:s termination of the support of K2-lite as breach of contract.

The loss of functions and the resulting lower quality of the blog are the main reasons why I have not written much there lately. I am very disappointed, especially since I have been so satisfied with WP and its services for so many years.

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