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George A. Panichas


“George A. Panichas, the dean of conservative literary critics, taught for many years at the University of Maryland. After serving an apprenticeship with then-editor David Collier as a book review editor, he became the editor of Modern Age in 1983. His editorship has ensured the continuation of the journal’s reputation as the “principal quarterly of the intellectual Right” by publishing in its pages eminent literary scholars, political theorists, philosophers, historians, theologians, and cultural commentators from across the disciplines. A man who sets for himself an exacting daily schedule that reserves many hours for the work of thinking and writing, Dr. Panichas has produced tremendous work on figures such as Simone Weil, Irving Babbitt, Joseph Conrad, and Dostoevsky, [and] his frequent essays in cultural criticism…mark him as one of the foremost moralist critics of the latter half of the twentieth century.”  Intercollegiate Studies Institute

I am embarrassed to recall that I never wrote the article on European conservatism for Modern Age which Mr Panichas kindly asked me to write. But see my review of his The Critical Legacy of Irving Babbitt in Humanitas, Vol. XII, No. 2, 1999.

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