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Hinkle och Walker i Kina

Här är Jackson Hinkle tillsammans med Grayson Walker i Shanghai, i utmärkt politisk diskussion med kinesiska analytiker och kommentatorer. På Infrareds kanal, där videon har rubriken ‘Jackson Hinkle and Grayson teach Chinese media about MAGA Communism’, har den många fler visningar och kommentarer.

Bland kommentarerna, från båda kanalerna:

This is the future. Beautifully done. Infrared Rising. May America and China be great allies in the future. Fantastic conversation. This can’t be stopped, won’t be stopped. USA and China must cooperate to ensure a better tomorrow. This is only a glimpse of things to come. Historic. Grayson knocked this interview out of the ballpark. Finally, some real adults in the room! Infrared has come a long way. Based. Creating a better world together. This was golden. The InfraRed Webcast – for the first time in the West – has coherently articulated Marxist-Leninism in the American context. And we American Communists are certainly indebted to the legacy of China. The American people’s best ambassadors. Unstoppable. Chinese/American friendship forever. Anybody who has a problem with it lost before the game even started. Professionalism, eloquence, intellect, style. Winfrared. Infrared is on the world stage. Best content of the internet. Incredible things are happening in China. This makes me proud to be an American. Grayson’s contribution to this discussion blew me away. High level dicussion there! Marx would be proud. Wow, young and well informed Americans? Hope is not all gone. We are proud to stand behind them. Phenomenal poise. We are with you and we will win. So based the word based is not enough. Patriot Grayson in control. Surreal to witness how far Infraredshow has progressed. I have mad respect for these boys. Some of the best America has to offer! Amazing this is just amazing. What a very fruitful dialogue between Chinese and American analysts. Most impressive panel. Big morale booster. America needs more men like Hinkle. Grayson’s been cooking up some big things behind the scenes. Very good dialogue between two patriotic peoples. Absolutely unbelievably based. Let’s gooo. This is only the beginning! Keen to hear more from Grayson, dude has his head screwed on right. Infrared rising like never before. Legendary. Yuuuge thanks to everyone involved who made this happen.

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