2 aug.
New Paper
This is the abstract of my paper, ‘What Is Vedantic Personalism?’, at the 17th International Conference on Persons in Berlin last week;...
14 jan.
17th International Conference on Persons
The 17th ICP takes place this year in Berlin, July 22-26. CFP Facebook page
8 apr. 2023
Tänktanken Cura
På den tolfte International Conference on Persons i Lund för tio år sedan kom jag för första gången i kontakt med Jonas Norgaard...
23 sep. 2022
New Paper
Here is the abstract of my paper ‘Christian and Vedantic Personalism: The Nature and Cause of the Difference’, which, in my absence (the...
9 aug. 2022
16th International Conference on Persons
The 16th International Conference on Persons, having been postponed one year because of Covid, was held last week at Anahuac University...