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Jan Olof Bengtsson

Spirituality ǀ Arts & Humanities ǀ Europe

The last few years I’ve used X primarily – periodically indeed almost exclusively – for sharing, or re-x-ing, stuff that supports, explains, deepens and specifies the general political line I’ve tried to advocate in the posts in the politics category on this modest site.

Many x almost only their own formulations, and share mostly their own articles (and, if they make such, other media appearances). Followers are, I suppose, in the first place interested in the specific, individual voice and its takes. I don’t claim to be such a voice. I’m not really a political writer, commentator, analyst. I’m about, or, more precisely, seek to be about spirituality, the arts and humanities, and Europe – in that order.

Although politics is certainly related to my other positions and areas of interest, although I’ve always been marginally engaged in politics, and although politics tends to take over in my writing, it’s not even mentioned in the name of this site.

My main traditional print publications are about the other things. I write my own political texts only when I feel there’s something important that others are not saying, or not saying well enough. There are, admittedly, many such cases.

But in others, it’s perfectly sufficient for my limited purposes in this field merely to refer to and transmit the work of others. So that’s what I mostly do on X. I suppose it has no particular value, but in substance, it does meaningfully supplement what I say in my posts here. And it doesn’t require any time or effort to re-x what one reads there anyway, or to x what one reads elsewhere on the internet.


Arktos tar, med publikationen av ett kort fragment av den tjeckiske sociologen Petr Hampl kring ett långt citat från likaledes tjeckiske antropologen Ivo Budil, upp en viktig tematik och analys som är central också för paleosocialister som Maupin och Mckay.

Tyvärr rymmer det en del något oklara, förvirrade och felaktiga formuleringar, och väl inte enbart p.g.a. översättningen, men de stora linjerna är klart och rätt förstådda.

Om mina argument mot den problematiska högeridentifikation som inte minst Daniel Friberg satsat så hårt på i alla sina projekt och publikationer inte kan åvägabringa dess övergivande, kan förhoppningsvis verkligheten, världshändelserna och de intellektuella förskjutningar de mer allmänt kräver framtvinga det.

Notera att författaren talar om “the ideology of the conservative left, which is natural to us [Slavic Eastern Europe] and incomprehensible to Americans”.


Jan Olof Bengtsson

DPhil (Oxon)

"A Self-realized being cannot help benefiting the world. His very existence is the highest good."

Ramana Maharshi

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